Selling A Home

Delve into our Selling a Home category, your guide through life's stages. Discover tips on getting started, home staging, ROI upgrades, lifestyle changes, downsizing, curb appeal updates, and more. With Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate by your side, it's easier than ever!

Buying A Home FRAUD ALERT: How to Steal Real Estate and Get Away With It! By:  Hugh Smith, Easton Maryland This past February, a newer associate of mine at Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate came to me with concern about an unimproved land listing in Caroline County, Maryland. This listing, received from a Broker-to-Broker referral, raised several red flags. According to the agent, she never met the sellers—they conducted all the business via voice and […]
Selling A Home Maximizing Your Home’s Value: Top 10 Renovations with the Best Return on Investment In the realm of real estate, home renovations serve not only to enhance the living experience but also to increase the overall value of a property. As homeowners, investing in strategic renovations can be a wise decision, particularly when considering the potential return on investment (ROI). Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate, with its extensive coverage […]
Selling A Home Is Now the Ideal Time to Sell Your Eastern Shore of Maryland Home? Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate Weighs In Are you contemplating selling your home on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and wondering if now is the right time? In this blog post, we’ll explore the current real estate landscape in the region and discuss valuable insights from Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate, a trusted name with a strong presence across Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Delaware, southern […]
Selling A Home Streamlining Your Space: The Art of Decluttering for a Seamless Home Sale and Move In the fast-paced world of real estate, first impressions are everything. When it comes to selling your home and preparing for a move, the importance of decluttering cannot be overstated. A clutter-free home not only appeals to potential buyers but also simplifies the moving process, making it more efficient and less stressful. In this blog […]
Buying A Home Ring in the New Year with Coldwell Banker Chesapeake: Your Guide to Listing and Finding Your Dream Home As the New Year unfolds, many homeowners are contemplating the idea of selling their homes and embarking on a new chapter. If you’re considering listing your home for sale, why not kickstart the process with Coldwell Banker Chesapeake? With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to providing unparalleled service, Coldwell Banker Chesapeake is your […]
Lifestyle 5 Advantages of Selling Your Home in the Fall Selling your home can be a big decision, and timing is crucial when it comes to maximizing your profit and minimizing stress. While many people associate the spring and summer months with the best time to sell a home, the fall season also offers some unique advantages for home sellers. If you’re considering selling your […]
Selling A Home Ready to Sell Your Home? Now what. Selling your home can be a huge under taking, but with the right guidance and support, it can also be an exciting opportunity for new beginnings.  Coldwell Banker Chesapeake is here to assist you every step of the way. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to sell your house. Coldwell Banker Chesapeake can make […]
Selling A Home Perspective matters when selling your home Introduction Perspective matters when selling your home. You already know how hard it can be. But did you know that perspective can make the whole process easier? It sounds like a strange concept, but here’s what we mean: when you think about your house as just a house—rather than something more personal and permanent—it becomes […]
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Buying A Home Keep Calm and Carry On I was looking at my company’s year-to-date (YTD) performance this afternoon. We were cooking along so good – right up to the end of April. Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate agents were outperforming 2021 – the best year in the company’s history.  And then we went smack dab right over a cliff. Did all the […]
Selling A Home High ROI Renovations to Do Before Selling a Home There are many reasons buyers may be willing to pay extra for a home. For example, they are likely to put down a more aggressive offer for a property that will ultimately reduce their cost of homeownership. Or they may be willing to pay a premium for homes with outstanding curb appeal, which is sure […]
Buying A Home It’s Time To Get Off The Fence The Average Closed Sales Price in February 2022 on the Eastern Shore of Maryland was just short of $400,000 ($397,348). Throughout COVID, the demand for rural houses has far exceeded the supply – resulting in rapidly appreciating values. Some Sellers are timing the market – waiting for eastern shore values to peak before coming to […]
Buying A Home “All Real Estate Agents Are The Same.” This familiar trope has been around at least since May 12, 1908 — the date the National Association of Realtors (NAR) was founded with the goal “to unite the real estate men [sic] of America for the purpose of effectively exerting a combined influence upon matters affecting real estate interests.” Since then, the organization has […]
Selling A Home For Sale by Owner vs Hiring an Agent If you ever watched an agent selling your house and thought, I could do better than a Realtor, there probably some things you already know. But there are also some things you may not have thought of that make the job harder than you thought. First, the benefits of For Sale by Owner (FSBO): You […]
Selling A Home How Online Real Estate Property Estimators Work We’ve all done it. We may not be looking to buy or sell our home, but out of curiosity we check an online property value estimator to see how much our place is worth. “Jackpot,” I thought when I saw my home’s value had increased by $186,000! Then the person in me who understands how […]