The Grinch Visits Our Chesapeake City Office

Our empty Christmas Tree with no decorations.
It was a somber day at our Chesapeake City Office on November 30, 2023, as all the Whos down in Whoville
gathered to partake in the annual tradition of decorating the company Christmas tree. The ornaments, collected from vendors, clients, and employees far and wide, were a testament to the festive spirit that had become a multi-year tradition thanks to our spirited agent, Holli Davis. Among the cherished collection was a beautiful tree skirt that added an extra layer of holiday magic.
However, in an unforeseen turn of events, the Grinch made an uninvited appearance in Chesapeake City, nabbing the treasured ornament collection and even making off with the beloved tree skirt. The holiday cheer was momentarily dampened, but our resilient Holli Davis refused to let the Grinch steal Christmas from our office.
With a warm heart and an unyielding Christmas spirit, Holli set out to make the best of a disheartening situation. Undeterred by the Grinch’s antics, she decorated our modest tree in her own special way. While it may not hold the same treasured memories as before, it now radiates with Holli’s bright light, a testament to her indomitable spirit.

Hugh Smith (Broker/Owner) and Agent Holli Davis, start the decorating process.

Holli Davis and her Holiday Spirit
The lesson learned is a timeless one: Keep the Christmas spirit alive in your heart, and it will always shine through, even in the face of adversity. As the holiday season approaches, let Holli’s resilience inspire us all to find joy in unexpected places and create new traditions that are uniquely our own.
If you’re in search of a home to create your own holiday memories, reach out to our dedicated team at Coldwell Banker Chesapeake Real Estate, located at 2525 Augustine Herman Hwy, Suite C, Chesapeake City, MD 21915. Give us a call at 410-885-2200, and let us help you find the perfect place to make your holidays bright and memorable.

A little bit of Christmas Spirit after all.